24 Hr Support  -  (985) 384-5835


We believe that each employee contributes directly to Candy Fleet’s success and we hope you will take pride in being a member of our team. 

Candy Fleet’s greatest asset is its employees, nothing is more important than the safety of each employee. It is our intent to provide the safest working conditions possible and to comply with all local, state and federal safety requirements. Responsibility for safety lies with each employee. 

Accidents do not happen; unsafe acts and or conditions cause them. When an accident occurs, it is usually because someone failed to follow good safety practices. The best written safety program cannot take the place of a safety conscious worker. To prevent injuries, always think before you act. Think of what needs to be accomplished and preplan safety before starting. Consider the different ways to do the job, familiarize yourself with the dangerous or potentially dangerous conditions that exist. 

Proper planning and conducting a Job Safety Analysis increases the likelihood of the task being done in the safest manner possible. No job is so important that we cannot take time to perform our work safely.

Give us a CALL NOW to find out how we can help you!


Toll Free: 800.521.5835
Operations:  985.384.5835
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 2444
Morgan City, LA 70381
Physical Address
1552 Youngs Road
Morgan City, LA 70380
Copyright © Candy Fleet, LLC 2025
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