24 Hr Support  -  (985) 384-5835


At Candy Fleet, we believe that offering cutting edge technology to our clients to promote safety and efficiency is invaluable. Candy Fleet has established itself as the first and only FSV operator in the GOM to utilize Motion Compensated Gangways to safely transfer personnel. By eliminating swing rope transfers, we decrease our customer's exposure exponentially which ultimately results in zero incident operations and money saved.
Since implementing Motion Compensated Gangways on our vessels, we have virtually eliminated the risk for passenger transfer injury. The Gangway has automated features that safely return the passenger to the vessel in the event of an interrupted transfer. We have transferred over 250 passengers and counting with ZERO accidents or incidents.

Give us a CALL NOW to find out how we can help you!


Toll Free: 800.521.5835
Operations:  985.384.5835
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 2444
Morgan City, LA 70381
Physical Address
1552 Youngs Road
Morgan City, LA 70380
Copyright © Candy Fleet, LLC 2025
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